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Recruitment at Malaria Consortium HND / BA / BSc Job

2024-05-29 11:45   NGO/Non-Profit Jobs   Kano   187 views
Job Details

Scope of Work

The scope of the technical assistance includes provision of supportive supervision and training of health facility workers, supervisors and CDDs, timely delivery of SMC & VAS commodities and supplies, on-the-job capacity building, and documentation of programme activities, ensuring adherence to SMC & VAS administration protocols.
It also involves interaction with the State Ministry of Health, and LGA management team and keeping them updated on the programme progress and ensuring high-quality SMC-VAS integrated implementation.

Monitoring and Evaluation Officers:

The M&E support TAs would support the project activities at assigned state and LGA levels, working with colleagues and stakeholders to ensure timely data/information collection, collation and reporting to achieve given targets and objectives.

Reporting & Data Quality Control:

Work with Malaria Consortium country office technical team and implementing states M&E specialists to update the forms used for SMC-VAS co-implementation to enable proper data/information collection, collation, analysis and reporting
Support the digitization of the SMC-VAS co-implementation exercise in the implementation states
Plan regular data quality assessments, and ensure the completeness, consistency and validity of distribution date
Provide direct technical assistance and capacity building for state and LGA level implementers in design and implementation of SMC-VAS M&E activities.
Participate in project assessments, evaluations and design including development of survey protocols with support from country officers and advisors
Review distributors’ tally sheet, making corrections where necessary and entering the data on relevant data capturing platform.
Assist M&E Officers on the data quality queries and ensure identified issues are rectified in time.
Ensure submission of other reports to keep the line manager and State Project Manager abreast with the project implementation at LGA level.
Work with Malaria Consortium country office technical team and implementing states M&E specialists in the roll out of the implementation research component of the project.

Qualifications and Experience


A Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Epidemiology, Statistics, Public Health or a related field.
Minimum of 10 years post qualification and at least 7 years’ experience working in a research role with an excellent understanding of operational research approaches.
Demonstrable knowledge of and experience in implementing research studies, including the design of qualitative and quantitative data collection tools.
Good qualitative and quantitative data analysis skills.
Previous public health sector experience in sub-Saharan Africa countries.
Familiarity with Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) in low and middle-income countries and packages, e.g. DHIS2.
Strong writing skills with at least one publication in an international peer-reviewed journal.
Significant knowledge in communicable disease control, particularly malaria.
Previous experience in providing M&E technical support in the implementation of mass campaign such as Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention - SMC/ Insecticide-Treated Nets-ITN
Experience in working effectively with government and non-government partners.

Work-based skills:


Demonstrated ability to work independently and collaboratively within a team, including with Ministries of Health and/or other government partners.
Demonstrated verbal and written communication and presentation skills.
Excellent statistical analysis skills including familiarity with software such as STATA, R or Statgraphics, CSPro, Power BI, Atlas ti, NVIVO and GIS mapping skills as a plus.
Results-oriented attitude to work and competency in reviewing, understanding and synthesizing data.
Practical organizational skills and the ability to prioritize and re-prioritize when necessary to meet tight deadlines.
Able to travel to SMC supported states to support OR activities or other data collection activities.
Excellent command of English with excellent writing and communication skills and the ability to present information in clear, concise, and compelling ways.
Computer literacy, including high degree of skills in MS Office and Stata.

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Company Description
Malaria Consortium Nigeria is committed to tackling the large number of malaria cases and deaths in the country. Working in partnership with the Ministry of Health and other partners, we lead and support three major malaria control initiatives in the country: Support to the National Malaria Control ... read moreProgramme (SuNMaP); NetWorks and MAPS. Our areas of focus include:
Technical support for malaria control
Capacity building, harmonisation and training of health workers
Heath systems strengthening
Behaviour Change Communications and community outreach activities
Operational research, policy and advocacy