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LQAS Data Collectors HND / BA / BSc Job

2024-06-25 06:05   NGO/Non-Profit Jobs   Plateau   417 views
Job Details

Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of this ToR is to engage research personnel that will carry out data collection, analysis and interpretation for EoC evaluation based on LQAS approach.
The consultant and the supervisor will train data collectors and oversee data collection process while other personnel will carry out the actual data collection using an electronic platform.

Scope of Work

The EoC evaluation will be conducted in the eight states and FCT Abuja supported by PF where SMC is being implemented.
The process will involve identification, selection and training of supervisors at a training of trainers (ToT) and subsequently, data collectors in the states.

Expected Output / Deliverables

Attend training on data collection and survey methods conducted by supervisors.
Conduct interviews in selected households using SurveyCTO.
Upload data on the SurveyCTO platform to server.
Dataset of completed interviews submitted.
Signed timesheet.

Qualifications and Experience

A minimum of Degree (BSc/HND) in Social Sciences, Health related or quantitative discipline.
Experience in conducting public health research, particularly data collection.
Experience in the use of modern technology in research – use of phone for data collection.
Previous experience doing LQAS survey is an added advantage.
Ability to speak local language.
A resident of Plateau state
Familiarity with and respect for the tradition and culture of the locality.
Familiarity with terrain of the locality.
Ability to give attention to details.
Must not be a current staff of Government at any level.
Must not be part of SMC implementation in any of the following capacity (national, state, LGA, HFW, CHW, TA or LM).
Must not be blacklisted during the previous LQAS activities.

Company Description
Malaria Consortium Nigeria is committed to tackling the large number of malaria cases and deaths in the country. Working in partnership with the Ministry of Health and other partners, we lead and support three major malaria control initiatives in the country: Support to the National Malaria Control ... read moreProgramme (SuNMaP); NetWorks and MAPS. Our areas of focus include:
Technical support for malaria control
Capacity building, harmonisation and training of health workers
Heath systems strengthening
Behaviour Change Communications and community outreach activities
Operational research, policy and advocacy