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Art Director - Castles Lifestyle Magazine HND / BA / BSc Job

2024-05-10 10:38   Media / Advertising / Branding Jobs   Lagos   166 views
Job Details

About the job
This position will be responsible for the visual style and images in our two real estate magazines, the graphics for social media posts as well as the short videos the company produces.

Printing Press Technical Ability: Oversee the production (printing) process of the magazine by making sure what is sent to the press will get the desired output. Under this, the candidate will be able to assess materials sent by third parties to see if such material will be good enough for production.
Commercial Artistry: Oversee advert material sent by advertisers from an artistic standpoint and be able to advise such clients on the best way to present such material. In addition, the candidate must be able to design adverts from the scratch for advertisers.
Look & Feel: Oversee the design of the magazine’s contents. Stories typically come in the form of text and graphics. It will be the duty of the candidate to put this together in the best format that will be appealing to readers. Stories, pagination, putting the entire magazine together will be his/her responsibility.
Social media savvy – the right candidate will be in charge of translating the adverts and other contents of the magazines into graphics for social media
Producer & Director – the candidate will be in charge of the storyboard of the short videos of the company and directing the cameraman and postproduction to achieve the desired results.

Company Description
Castles Lifestyle Magazine is published weekly by RealHouse Communications Limited. The magazine is Nigeria's premier real estate magazine that is primarily focused on the Real Estate industry in Nigeria and beyond. We provide up to date news about the industry and we are generally regarded a... read mores the voice of the real estate industry.